I was born in 85 and went to school in NC near the capital. We never had any completely unsupervised time at lunch or recess in elementary school. I believe we were expected to stay in the lunchroom during lunch. During outside recess our play was supervised from a distance, but it was undirected and we played behind trees and other plac…
I was born in 85 and went to school in NC near the capital. We never had any completely unsupervised time at lunch or recess in elementary school. I believe we were expected to stay in the lunchroom during lunch. During outside recess our play was supervised from a distance, but it was undirected and we played behind trees and other places that might not be allowed today due to concerns of sexual abuse. Gym time was also memorable for me--I believe that was a separate class, and that it would rotate between activities like dodge ball, and active drama activities.
I was born in 85 and went to school in NC near the capital. We never had any completely unsupervised time at lunch or recess in elementary school. I believe we were expected to stay in the lunchroom during lunch. During outside recess our play was supervised from a distance, but it was undirected and we played behind trees and other places that might not be allowed today due to concerns of sexual abuse. Gym time was also memorable for me--I believe that was a separate class, and that it would rotate between activities like dodge ball, and active drama activities.