Sitemap - 2024 - Play Makes Us Human

# 47. How Children Naturally Learn Courage and How We Can Help Them

#46 Thirteen Ways to Enable Free Play and Other Independent Activities for Your Kids

Follow-Up to Letter #45, Comments on The Anxious Generation

#45. The Importance of Critical Analyses in Examining Social Science Evidence

My Response to the Surgeon General’s Call for a Warning Label on Social Media

#44. Kids Want to Cooperate, But We Make Them Compete

#43. The Toxic Consequences of Attending a High Achieving School

#42. Nothing Worth Learning Can be Taught

Letter #41. How the Leash Chokes the Spirit

#40. Long-Term Harm of Early Academic Training

#39. The Cruelty of U.S. Kindergarten Practices

Responses to school lunch-time survey and question about Common Core

Survey Question: How long was lunch break when you or your kids were in elementary school?

#38. What Happened to School Lunch Hour?

Reminiscing About Recess: Can we construct a timeline showing decline of recess freedom?

#37. How Schools Ruin Recess

Roles of Play and Humor in Romantic Attraction

#36. Survival of the Friendliest

#35. Children Invented Language

Wonderful Short Video on Value of Childhood Independence

#34. The Joy of Independent Activity, in the Young, the Old, and the Injured

#33. The Playful Mind is a Creative Mind

#32. Play is the Mother of Invention; Necessity is the Mother of Engineering.

Followup on Possible Offerings for Paid Subscribers

Possible New Features for Paid Subscribers

#31. My Attempts to Improve Critical Thinking in Higher Education

Discussion About Cheating in Science

#30. Academia as Playground

Join me on Notes

#29. Childhood Freedom, Play, and the Development of Passionate Interests

#28. Great Amateurs in Science

#27. In Praise of Amateurism

S4. Are You an Amateur? Do You Pursue Deeply Some Activity for Love, Not Money?

D9. More Evidence Against the Smartphone Theory of Declining Teen Mental Health

S3. My Post-Work Life